Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Let’s stop for a moment and take a look at what’s been happening lately on
Social Media such as Twitter and Facebook. Why is it that some people believe 
they have the right to post whatever they want without any consequences for 
their actions? Why do they behave in such a destructive and harmful manner?

Sometimes it is simply miscommunication or ineffective communication that
creates conflict on Social Websites but what we are experiencing now is a huge
increase in ABUSIVE AND THREATENING BEHAVIOUR that is deliberate
and intentional.

Bullying and cyber-bullying is out of control and it will only get worse!

There is so much talk about regulating social media but doesn’t the responsibility 
lie with its users? Introducing regulations or laws are unlikely to change anything 
because the people involved in this activity have no respect for the law.  It’s their 
behaviour that needs to change.

How many of us are crossing “boundaries” into other people’s lives? How many 
lives are being destroyed by this behaviour? How can anyone stoop so low as to 
suggest to another person that they should kill themselves? What is this world 
going to be like for our children and future generations if we don’t bring about 
change in the behaviour now?

So how do we change this current culture? WE TEACH AND PROMOTE 


At The Respect Challenge, we believe RESPECT is connected to everything, our 
marriages/relationships, our children, our extended family, the internet and our 

It is extraordinary how many people actually believe they are respectful yet will
treat others with such contempt! Many of our young and some of our not so young
hold the belief that respect is something they will only give if they get it first. Why 
has Respect become ‘conditional’? Is this where we are going wrong? Respect 
costs us nothing, yet, the pay-off or reward is exceptional!

While many of our younger generation are extremely clever and technologically 
savvy, they can be incredibly rude and self-serving. Simply, many have little 
Respect for anyone or anything including themselves. They often use the word 
Respect and certainly want it but I am unsure they even know what it means. 
Many possess the attitude that ‘it is all about me and what I want’. It’s all 
quite narcissistic isn't it?

Self-serving and selfish behaviour needs to be replaced with Self-Respect 
and Respect for Others.

If we could all learn the importance of Respect and apply it in our day to day
lives, many marriages would not end in divorce, our children would respect 
themselves and others, families would be happier, our teenagers (and adults) 
would not abuse their bodies with excessive alcohol or other substances, and 
workplaces may even be a place we all enjoy going to each day. Facebook 
and Twitter would be a useful tool in connecting respectfully with others!

Is this possible……..Absolutely!

If each and every one of us began changing our own behaviour it would 
change the world.

Our motto is ‘Respect Begins With Me’…….Self-respect and Respect for 

Become part of the change you want to see in the world!

Join us at

Or join us on Facebook

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