Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Self Love!

How we feel about ourselves matters. Self -care and Self-love is essential
yet, many people find this difficult to do. We can start by liking the person
we are and work towards loving ourselves. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

We May Not Like Everyone!

Many people worry about what others may think of them. This is a
'self-esteem' issue. We cannot be liked by everyone just as we will not like
everyone. How we feel about ourselves is what is important. If we can
maintain respect for ourselves, we will find it easier to be respectful or
courteous to others even if we don't necessarily like them!
'Respect Begins With Me' 

Saturday, October 27, 2012


As parents, if we do not allow our children to take responsibility for their
own actions and learn about consequences they will continue to behave
this way into their adult life. Children will never learn how to Respect
themselves, others or things.
What are we witnessing everywhere in society today?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Respect Is Not Just About Good Manners!

Many people refer to respect as being about good manners and courtesy for
others. Respect is much more than is about understanding that we
 possess different beliefs and values. If we can respect this in others
we would all live in a more harmonious world!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Respecting The Differences

We are all different, we all possess differing values and beliefs!
If we can respect this about one another we can then let go of the need
to control or to force our own opinion onto others!
'Live and Let Live'

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Do You Love and Care Too Much?

If we love and care too much for others we are not giving ourselves the
respect we deserve. If we take care of ourselves first then we are free to do
for others as we wish...we just need to get it in the right order!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Life!

We at The Respect Challenge believe that this is the 'recipe' for a happy
life! Self-respect and respect for others will reduce conflict, which in turn
creates a happier and more peaceful existence!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Teaching Our Children!

If we do not teach our children to take responsibility for themselves
 and their own actions they will never learn how to respect themselves
 or others!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Importance of Respect!

Many of the problems in society today are due to the loss of Respect.
If we can understand that Respect is connected to everything we
may come to realise that we need to bring Respect back! 

Friday, October 12, 2012


In today's world we have become very good at pointing out other
people's shortcomings and tend to judge and criticise others.
Try to keep in mind that pointing out someone's shortcomings will not
change them. Doing this simply damages their self-esteem and self-worth!

Monday, October 8, 2012


At The Respect Challenge we believe in the importance of self-respect
and self-love. If we can learn to respect ourselves first and then give that to
others, our world would be more loving and more peaceful!
'Respect Begins With Me'

Sunday, October 7, 2012

We Are Our Children's Teachers

Parents are their children's teachers and children will 'mirror' their parents
 behaviour. If we can show our children what a respectful relationship is,
 then they will form their own relationships based on what they have
 learned watching us!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Communication With Respect

Respectful communication is about expressing our own thoughts and
feelings. It is about communicating in a non-blaming way . If we 'blame' it
will nearly always create a conflict

Friday, October 5, 2012

Choose Happiness

We all experience difficult days but with every new day we are given
 a new beginning. Choose to be happy and to take care of yourself!
At The Respect Challenge we believe in the importance
of Self-respect. How are we ever going to be respected by others if we
do not respect ourselves!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Changing Our Behaviour

Many people try to control other people's behaviour and try to make them
change. This will never work! We cannot change others, we can only change
ourselves. When we change our own attitude, life becomes easier.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Teaching Children Respect

The only way children will learn about respect is through watching their
parent's own actions.
We are their 'teachers'
If we want our children to be respectful, then show them how it is done!
'Respect Begins With Me'

Monday, October 1, 2012

Respect in the Workplace

Many workplaces experience conflict and bullying because professional
 boundaries are not maintained and the issue becomes personal. When this
occurs it is extremely difficult to resolve. Try to Respect that everyone has
a job to do and liking someone is not a requirement of Respect.