Saturday, July 28, 2012


A healthy relationship or marriage is not just about
We can actually really love a person yet not be
respectful to them.

While this statement may seem perfectly logical, many people can be a
surprised by it. Many couples rarely make the connection that while
they still love each other, the respect they once had has diminished over

This may occur if we become critical or judgmental of one another and
often then, we can speak to each other in a way we would not speak to
anyone else.  Or, there are times when we can feel let down by our partners
and feelings of resentment can be difficult to overcome.

If we want to improve our marriage or relationship, we need to firstly
reinstate the RESPECT.  Try to be gentle, kind and courteous to one another.
We sometimes forget the simple things such as showing appreciation,
exhibiting our manners and doing nice things for each other.

Talk about it, and work on it together.  It will make a difference!

Cheers Lyn and Vicki

Sunday, July 22, 2012


'If we want to change anything about ourselves or create change in our lives it has to begin with us'

Today, many people are of the belief that RESPECT is something you give or show to others only if they give it to you first! Is this where we are getting it wrong? Has Respect become 'conditional'? It absolutely has!

If we want to be respected by others, we must give it to them first, it begins with us! Try it and see for yourself. We cannot demand respect whether it is in a relationship, as a parent or in the workplace. 

Self-respect and Respect for Others is an important component in every area of our lives. Just imagine how peaceful our world would be if everyone could respect themselves and one another! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


It appears today that most of the disrespect we can experience can come from members of our own family, our extended family and sometimes our work colleagues. It can be quite difficult to be respectful to others when they are behaving badly or when you feel like you are being attacked.

What is important here is to maintain self-respect and not react, with the understanding that their behaviour belongs to them!

Today, the lack of respect is causing mayhem in both our personal lives and in our society.  This is why The Little Book of Respect and The Respect Challenge came about. Many people are “crossing boundaries” into other people’s lives with the belief that they know what is best for another.

The Little Book of Respect is not about teaching people respect, it’s about changing the way we ‘feel’ and ‘behave’ when confronted by disrespect.

You may feel disrespected in your marriage, as a parent, as a child, in the workplace or on the Internet.  If so, then The Little Book of Respect is for you!

 Cheers Lyn and Vicki